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   WHO AM I   

I am an aspiring photographer / videographer.  I have not had formal training, but plan to work on my skills and share the journey as I go.  I hope to inspire others along the way, whether it is to pursue photography, or anything else in life. 

  • Find better ways to share my life with family and friends ( I travel A LOT and always take photos that then become trapped on an old phone and never seen again.)

  • I have taken kinesiology and completed my four year university degree in Calgary.  - thats what started my traveling when I took an exchange program to Australia, in my third year

  • Since then, I have travelled to over 30 countries (mostly solo), met so many people along the way and seen things some will never see, except through photos and videos -- I want to be a part of that and show people the World, and what I get to see.

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